How to prepare for job search before graduating

About to graduate? We’ve been there and understand the mix of excitement and anxiety it can bring. That's why we've reached out to both students and recent graduates to compile a not-so-obvious guide to ensure you're not just ready but ahead of the curve.


Organize your inbox

Before the job offers start rolling in, ensure that your inbox is not a maze of unread newsletters. Don’t want a crucial job offer or interview invitation to slip through the cracks? Start by decluttering your inbox—unsubscribe from newsletters that no longer serve you (or you don’t even remember subscribing for). Need a quick fix for this seemingly overwhelming task? Yorba can help to spot the mailing lists you are on and bulk unsubscribe quickly.

Embrace organizational tools

Your job search is a project, and every project needs management. Tools like Asana, Notion, and Basecamp aren't just for work; they can transform how you manage personal tasks. Tracking your activities, from job applications to networking events and daily to-do’s, not only boosts your organizational skills but also adds a valuable skill set to your resume. Sync your to-do lists with your calendar events, experiment with productivity techniques (Pomodoro, Eisenhower Matrix, or Zen to Done, etc.), and schedule buffer time for unforeseen events and self-care. Rather than simply listing tasks, utilize time-blocking features in your app to allocate specific time slots for different activities, and readjust the blocks to reflect how you actually allocate your time. This will help you see how realistic your time planning is, and what you’ve been really spending your days on.

Transition your student email

Before your university email vanishes, transfer essential accounts to a personal one. Do the same for job boards, professional networks, and any other platforms critical to your job search. You can use the Yorba scanner to find all accounts connected to your email address(es). Then, if the platform allows, change your login email. If it doesn’t—create a new account and copy essential info and settings there.

Audit your digital footprint

Are there any posts or public info you don’t want potential employers to see? Are you sure you remember all social media and other profiles under your name? Nowadays, your digital footprint is what creates the first impression, so make sure it represents you well.

After you’ve checked what’s already out there, set up Google Alerts for your name. This will notify you if your name is mentioned online, so you can stay on top of your online reputation. How? Log into, enter your name in the "Create an alert about" field, and customize the alert settings. You'll start receiving notifications whenever your name appears in new online content indexed by Google.

Use the vendor’s name when creating an account

A pro-life hack from Fiona, a University of Washington student we interviewed. Ever wonder where your data ends up? Here's a clever trick: put a company name in place of your surname when creating an account. This way, if you start receiving random emails addressed to "Alex Facebook," you'll know exactly who shared your data.

Preparing for the job search before graduation is more than just polishing your resume and cover letter. The key is to stay organized, be proactive, and leverage the tools and resources at your disposal. The future is bright, and your career journey is just beginning. Happy hunting!


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