Yorba Open Beta is here!
Hello, world!
(Does anyone else remember that from the early days of WordPress? No? Just us?)
After a successful Private Beta, we are so excited to open our doors to the public! Over the last few months, we’ve been working closely with Private Beta users to understand their feedback and make big changes that would help them reduce their digital footprints even more easily.
If you don’t already know, Yorba is on a mission to build a simpler, safer, better internet, and we’re taking you with us! We make it easy to aggregate and manage all your accounts (even the forgotten ones), mass unsubscribe (for real) from mailing lists you don’t want, monitor data breaches, check fraud reports, and more. Oh, yeah, and we’re also home to the largest Account Deletion Directory in existence (10k records and counting).
Yorba isn’t just for the security conscious (though we’re here for you too). Yorba is here to make the internet less annoying for, yes, everyone, and we do it by simplifying your digital management process.
Learn more about our features, and then sign up to usher us into a new era of digital ownership–a world where you get to put vendors on your list, you get to control who has access to your data, and you get to shape the future of the apps you use every day.
Access is now open for $6 per month, but if you invite friends, you get 25% of whatever they pay for Yorba Premium. Forever.