Find and delete accounts

Every account is a potential risk to your privacy and security – but companies often intentionally make them difficult to delete. Yorba makes it easy. Does it exist? We’ll find it. Don’t need it? Delete it.

  • On average, a Yorba member has over 240 online accounts.

    How many old accounts have you forgotten about?

    Source: The State of Clutter, 2024, Yorba

Delete the data those accounts have on you

Auto-Delete doesn’t just close accounts: it automates enforcement of data deletion requests mandated by legislation like GDPR and CCPA.

Auto-delete accounts with a simple click

Save time by deleting accounts directly from Yorba instead of having to sort through each company’s maze of menus and account settings.

Smart suggestions to get you started

Ready to clean up your digital footprint? Our algorithm suggests actions based on terms of service, usefulness, and frequency of use.

Want to take more control of your digital footprint?

Join Yorba today.